EYT / Energy and Transport
ENE / Energy

Dr. Marta Haro is Tenured Scientist (Ramón y Cajal) at University of Zaragoza and Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón (UZ-INMA). She got her PhD degree at UZ (Spain) in 2007, and performed three postdocs at the University of Hull (UK) with Prof. Mary O’Neill, INCAR (Spain) with Prof. Conchi Ania, and at the University Jaume I (Spain) with Prof. Juan Bisquert. She moved to OIST (Japan) as staff scientist in 2016 and was incorporated as RyC at UZ-INMA in 2020. Her research is focused in the two areas of photoelectrochemistry and electrochemical energy storage. Recently, she published two articles in photocapacitors, joining both research topics. She is co-author of 63 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals (1 Science + 1 Energy Environ. Sci.) and 2 book chapters, with over 1100 citations, and Hirsh index 19 (Scopus). She has participated over 10 research projects, one with the industry and another funded by EU.
She is principal investigator of two National Projects (PID-2019-108247RA-I00_Solar Rechargeable
Batteries (SoRBat) (107 k€) and RyC2018-025222-I (40 k€)) and of two regional ones (JIUZ-2019-CIE-04_ Desarrollo de Electrodos Basados en Polímeros Porosos para Baterías Recargables: Li-ion y Na-ion (2 k€). She is Coordinator of a consortium for the project submission to the last HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDEROPEN-01 call (no. 101046850), pending resolution.

Dr. Isaac Herraiz is PhD and Eng. Msc Chemistry and expert in Electrochemical Engineering and Materials Science. He is currently Technical Coordinator at LOMARTOV, where he is in charge of supervising and providing a technical background on sustainability studies in the frame of private contracts and EU funded projects, and is actively involved in the establishment of networking opportunities, industrial cluster dynamics and international promotion to boost new developments from the idea to the market. Previously, he conducted a postdoctoral stage at Institute of Advance Materials INAM (Castelló, Spain), where he was involved in international projects and collaborations on solar fuel generation and photovoltaic materials. Next, he joined the spin-off KERIONICS as R&D manager, working on advanced functional ceramic materials for the generation of industrial gases. He has published more than 30 papers in international S/T journals, two book chapters and two patents in the topic of ionic ceramic membranes (h-index: 21). He is member of different clusters and networks linked to the development of clean and sustainable energy solutions (e.g. BATTERYPLAT, FOTOPLAT, SOLAR CONCENTRA, C-Energy 2020 network, COST ACTION CRM-EXTREME, EIT Inno Energy, S3P Platform in Advanced Materials for Batteries, etc.) and he has a vast experience in the construction and formulation of international collaborations for project applications. Currently Dr. Isaac Herraiz is immersed in the evaluation of environmental impacts of new technologies and systems (through LCA and eco-design methodologies), with a particular dedication on the assessment of materials efficient use and recyclability potential.

Dr. Emilio J. Juarez-Perez (EJ-JP) is a Chemical Eng. and PhD Chemistry awarded Outstanding from UAB-Barcelona. Currently, he is ARAID Researcher at the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón (INMA). His research interest is focused on the exploration of hybrid perovskite materials for optoelectronic applications, its chemical synthesis, chemical and physical characterization, device engineering, film deposition, preparation and optimization of new configuration layer stacks for large scale production focused in energy harvesting and storage.
EJ-JP has co-authored 65 publications in ISI high impact journals as Nat. Energy (2), Nat. Commn. (2), Chem. Soc. Rev (1), Science (1), Energ. Environ. Sci. (1), Adv. Mat. (2) among others. EJ-JP has participated in 63 conferences and workshops including 7 invited lectures emphasizing two recent conferences in China at the Nanjing Tech University and GMI (Shanghai University). He is coauthor of one patent (submitted) and coeditor of the book “Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells. The Genesis and Early Developments, 2009-2014”. EJJ-P was awarded as Young B KAKENHI Principal Investigator fellow including competitive funds (€ 35k) ( from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Recently, he was selected co-PI of the EASI-project in the framework of RETOS-2020 (€ 120k) and one small-budget-one-year duration project (€ 2k) from Fundacion Ibercaja-UNIZAR.
The research group PLATON (E31_20R) is a multidisciplinary group composed of 15 PhD scientists (with 7 senior lecturers of the University of Zaragoza and 1 research scientist from CSIC), 1 postdoc, 6 PhD students, besides several final year and final master students supervised every year.
In numbers, the group has more than 480 papers, 17 thesis, and 3 patents, besides more than 1.9 M€ in projects and 150 k€ in projects with companies. Currently, the research group participates in 4 European projects: MEMBER, Magic Cell Gene, SUMO, and FATMOLS.
The research group has an extensive network with collaborators inside the University of Zaragoza (Liquid Crystals, ProCaCef, QMAD, etc.), University Jaume I (INAM), CSIC (Carboquímica), CNRS (France), University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Perth (Autralia), or OIST (Japan) among others. Also, PLATON collaborates with companies such as Lomartov or BSH.
The research group PLATON has expertise in Green Chemistry and Material Science, in concordance with the Campus Iberus’ strategic area of Energy, Environment and Sustainability.
In particular, the two research areas of the PLATON group are green solvents and advanced materials and nanoscience. The group studies the thermodynamics and toxicology of green solvents, and the design of nanostructured thin films fabrication by bottom-up techniques for different applications: molecular electronics, magnetic hyperthermia, CO2 capture and integration of qbits for quantum computing, and the most recent research line of energy conversion and storage.
LOMARTOV S.L., Valencia, Spain.
CEMHTI – CNRS, Orleans, France.
A research secondment for 6 months is planned at LOMARTOV under the supervision of Dr. Isaac Herraiz with a twofold objective: accessing collaborative networks (LOMARTOV’s INNOVA area) linked to the development of clean and sustainable energy solutions to build new projects and gaining skills in evaluation of environmental impacts of new technologies and systems (LCA, eco-design). The postdoc will train her/his skills on life cycle assessment and eco-design methodologies at LOMARTOV’s dedicated department on Sustainable Solutions, which is participating in several EU projects accomplishing holistic sustainability assessments on new technologies, also including the topic of novel energy storage devices and systems (e.g. EU project ASTRABAT “All Solid-sTate Reliable BATtery for 2025, and EU project HYBRIS “HYbrid Battery energy stoRage system for advanced grid and behInd-de-meter Segments).
Additionally, the postdoc fellow will also have the opportunity to perform a short stay in Cemhti CNRS in France under the supervision of Dr. Conchi O. Ania. In this collaboration, the postdoc will acquire expertise in materials characterization using advanced in-situ techniques during electrochemical processes.
International mobility
Building collaborative networks
Fundraising (grants, projects).
Project management
Time Management
Communication skills
Grant writing, CV writing, interviews
Open Science
Ethics in research
Business skills, entrepreneurship, leadership
Technical training in the use of equipment (e.g. TEM microscopy)
The postdoctoral researcher will work on the research line of energy storage based in: i) synthesis of nanostructured electrodes of organic materials and carbon-based for batteries Li+ ion and other more common cations such as Na+, ii) fabrication of solid electrolytes, iii) fabrication of artificial solid electrolyte interface (ASEI), and iv) conversion and storage of solar into electrochemical energy. Particularly, the postdoctoral researcher will be involved in the last research topic, bridging the two research topics in electrochemical energy storage and photovoltaics, working with Dr. Marta Haro and Dr. Emilio Juarez-Perez. The work in Lomartov will facilitate the integration of the postdoc in the network of research centers and companies working in both battery and photovoltaic technologies opening abundant opportunities in his/her professional career.