
Nowadays, nanotechnology shows great potential for addressing new societal challenges. Over the last years, this field has gained spectacular attention due to the exponentially growing use of nanomaterials (NMs) in our daily life. Thus, studying the fate, transport, potential toxicity, and health effects originating from the use of NMs has become a need. The main goal of this research proposal is the development of novel analytical methods for the detection and characterization of NMs by using different ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) approaches, specially focusing on the measurement of extremely short transient signals that provide temporally and spatially resolved information. In this context, the potential of single-particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) and laser ablation (SP)-ICP-MS (LA-(SP-)-ICP-MS) will be extensively evaluated. Furthermore, appropriate sampling and sample preparation procedures will be tested, and new methodologies based on isotopic analysis will be developed. Moreover, such methodologies will be further adapted to target the characterization of micro/nano-plastics, as this emerging field requires novel methodologies to meet societal demands. The results obtained in the context of this project aim at providing a more profound insight into the field of nanotechnology and further knowledge on the occurrence and fate of micro/nano-plastics.

Overview of the WPs and involvement of the collaborators
SCIENTIFIC OUTPUTS (as Iberus Experience researcher)
- Laser Ablation for Nondestructive Sampling of Microplastics in Single-Particle ICP-Mass Spectrometry.
- A comparison of calibration strategies for quantitative laser ablation ICP-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis of fused catalyst samples.
- Tracing isotopically labeled selenium nanoparticles in plants via single-particle ICP-mass spectrometry.
- Development and initial evaluation of a combustion-based sample introduction system for direct isotopic analysis of mercury in solid samples via multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry.
- Intensity- and time-based strategies for micro/nano-sizing via single-particle ICP-mass spectrometry: A comparative assessment using Au and SiO2 as model particles.
- 2023 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, 29th January-3rd February 2023, Ljbljana, Slovenia:
- Frank Vanhaecke: “High-precision isotopic analysis – is the sky the limit?” (Keynote lecture)
- EuroAnalysis 2023, 27th-31st August 2023, Geneva, Switzerland:
- Thibaut Van Acker: “Exploring the potential of laser ablation as a means of sample introduction for microplastics characterization via inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry operated in single-particle mode” (Invited lecture).
- SCIX 2023, 8th-12th October 2023, Sparks, Nevada, USA:
- Ana Lores Padin: “Matrix-matched calibration approaches for quantitative mapping of various C-based samples using LA-ICP-MS”. (Invited lecture)
- Thibaut Van Acker: “Advancing microplastics characterization with laser ablation-single particle-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry” (Invited lecture).
- Frank Vanhaecke: “Stretching the boundaries of high-precision isotopic analysis using multi-collector ICP-MS” (Invited lecture).
- 16th Rio Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, 28th-30th November 2023, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil:
- Bruna Moreira Freire: “ICP-MS based platforms for tracing studies of isotopically labelled selenium nanoparticles in plants” (Talk+poster).
- 2024 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, 15th-20th January 2024, Tucson, Arizona, USA:
- Eduardo Bolea-Fernandez: “Revealing the Invisible: Single-Event ICP-MS Analysis of Micro/Nano-Structures” (Plenary lecture)
- II Workshop Latinoamericano en Nano y Biotecnología: Estrategias de Adaptación en sistemas Agropecuarios, Cambio Climático, Ambientes Extremos y Salud Humana, 13th-14th May 2024, Pucón, Chile:
- Bruna Moreira Freire: “Single-particle ICP-MS: a powerful analytical tool to investigate nanoparticle-plant interactions” (Talk).
- XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA), 1st-3rd July 2024, Zaragoza, Spain:
- Alicia Garcia Garcia: “Nuevo enfoque para la generación de la molécula CaF utilizando LIBS: reacción en fase gaseosa” (Poster)
- BNASS 2024: The 21st Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium, 11th – 13th, September 2024, London, UK:
- Antonio Bazo: “Revisiting Single-Particle ICP-Mass Spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) Approaches For Micro/Nano Quantification of Discrete Entities” (Talk)